Join us for Advent of Haystack this December 🌲

Get Started

Haystack is an open source Python framework that helps developers build LLM powered custom applications. In December 2023, a significant update, version 2.0-Beta, was released. This page provides information for both Haystack 1.x and the latest version, 2.0-Beta. For more information on Haystack 2.0-Beta, you can also read the announcement post.


Use pip to install Haystack 2.0-Beta release:

pip install haystack-ai

For more details, refer to our 2.0-Beta documentation.

Docs: Installation (2.0-Beta)

Build Your First RAG Pipeline

To build modern search pipelines with LLMs, you need two things: powerful components and an easy way to put them together. The Haystack pipeline is built for this purpose and enables you to design and scale your interactions with LLMs. Learn how to create pipelines here.

By connecting three components, a Retriever, a PromptBuilder and a Generator, you can build your first Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) pipeline with Haystack.

Try out how Haystack answers questions about the given documents using the RAG approach 👇

First, install Haystack 2.0-Beta:

pip install haystack-ai

Then, index your data to the DocumentStore, build a RAG pipeline, and ask a question on your data:

import os

from haystack import Pipeline, Document
from haystack.document_stores import InMemoryDocumentStore
from haystack.components.retrievers import InMemoryBM25Retriever
from haystack.components.generators import GPTGenerator
from import PromptBuilder

# Write documents to InMemoryDocumentStore
document_store = InMemoryDocumentStore()
    Document(text="My name is Jean and I live in Paris."), 
    Document(text="My name is Mark and I live in Berlin."), 
    Document(text="My name is Giorgio and I live in Rome.")

# Build a RAG pipeline
prompt_template = """
Given these documents, answer the question.
{% for doc in documents %}
    {{ doc.content }}
{% endfor %}
Question: {{question}}

document_store = InMemoryDocumentStore()
retriever = InMemoryBM25Retriever(document_store=document_store)
prompt_builder = PromptBuilder(template=prompt_template)
llm = GPTGenerator(api_key=api_key)

rag_pipeline = Pipeline()
rag_pipeline.add_component("retriever", retriever)
rag_pipeline.add_component("prompt_builder", prompt_builder)
rag_pipeline.add_component("llm", llm)
rag_pipeline.connect("retriever", "prompt_builder.documents")
rag_pipeline.connect("prompt_builder", "llm")

# Ask a question
question = "Who lives in Paris?"
results =
        "retriever": {"query": question},
        "prompt_builder": {"question": question},


The pipeline uses the given documents to generate the answer:

['Jean lives in Paris.']

For a hands-on guide on how to build your first RAG Pipeline with Haystack 2.0-Beta, see our tutorial.

Tutorial: Creating a RAG Pipeline

Installation (1.x)

Use pip to install the latest Haystack release:

This command installs everything needed for basic Pipelines using InMemoryDocumentStore and an external LLM provider (for example, OpenAI). Use this installation method for basic features such as keyword-based retrieval, web search and text generation with LLMs including generative question answering.

pip install farm-haystack

This command installs everything needed for basic Pipelines using InMemoryDocumentStore, and necessary dependencies for model inference on a local machine, including torch. Use this installation option for features such as document retrieval with semantic similarity and extractive question answering.

pip install 'farm-haystack[inference]'

This command installs given dependencies. Use this installation option when you are using various features of Haystack and want to keep the dependency list as small as possible.


For the full list of dependency options, read Custom Installation section in the documentation.

This command installs all dependencies required for all document stores, file converters, OCR, Ray and more. Use this installation option if you don’t want to install dependencies separately or if you’re still experimenting with Haystack and don’t have a final list of features you want to use in your application.

pip install 'farm-haystack[all]' ## or 'all-gpu' for the GPU-enabled dependencies

For a more comprehensive installation guide, including methods for various operating systems, refer to our documentation.

Docs: Installation

Build Your First RAG Pipeline with Haystack 1.x

Haystack is built around the concept of pipelines. A pipeline is a powerful structure that performs an NLP task. It’s made up of components connected together. For example, you can connect a Retriever and a PromptNode to build a Generative Question Answering pipeline that uses your own data.

Try out how Haystack answers questions about Game of Thrones using the RAG approach 👇

Run the minimal Haystack installation:

pip install farm-haystack

Index your data to the DocumentStore, build a RAG pipeline, and ask a question on your data:

from haystack.document_stores import InMemoryDocumentStore
from haystack.utils import build_pipeline, add_example_data, print_answers

# We are model agnostic :) Here, you can choose from: "anthropic", "cohere", "huggingface", and "openai".
provider = "openai"

# We support many different databases. Here we load a simple and lightweight in-memory database.
document_store = InMemoryDocumentStore(use_bm25=True)

# Download and add Game of Thrones TXT articles to Haystack DocumentStore.
# You can also provide a folder with your local documents.
add_example_data(document_store, "data/GoT_getting_started")

# Build a pipeline with a Retriever to get relevant documents to the query and a PromptNode interacting with LLMs using a custom prompt.
pipeline = build_pipeline(provider, API_KEY, document_store)

# Ask a question on the data you just added.
result ="Who is the father of Arya Stark?")

# For details, like which documents were used to generate the answer, look into the <result> object
print_answers(result, details="medium")

The output of the pipeline references the documents used to generate the answer:

'Query: Who is the father of Arya Stark?'
[{'answer': 'The father of Arya Stark is Lord Eddard Stark of '
                'Winterfell. [Document 1, Document 4, Document 5]'}]

For a hands-on guide on how to build your first RAG Pipeline, see our tutorial.

Tutorial: Creating a RAG Pipeline